Terms & Modules
A total of 36 modules will be offered during the 2 year certificate course. Of the 36 modules offered, students will have to successfully complete 24 of them over the 2 year course period, to quality for the Course Certificate. A Certificate of Course Completion will be made available through Acts 29 Inc. Though not an accredited degree program, our graduates will be well equipped in a variety of roles in churches.
Total number of modules offered: 36
Number of modules to finish the 2 year Certificate Course: 24
The emphasis of all courses offered at Teleios will be to challenge you to be part of a community, so that you are able to imitate Christ in the midst of a people. The emphasis is not so much on academic knowledge (though that will be a by product) but an acute awareness of what Christ set out to accomplish on earth, and engaging ourselves fully in that world changing process.
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